What another amazing week here in Southern Chile!
Tuesday: We were wrapping up our studies and then we get a call from our new investigator Kati who I have talked about before... and she calls and tells us that she is coming to pick us up in five minutes, so we hurry and got ready. We were so excited because we NEVER get picked up by members, let alone investigators haha. We went to her house and it was beautiful, like nothing I have seen here in Chile, just super modern, like seriously beautiful!! We talked to her about the Plan of Salvation, and it went really good. She is very interested and had a lot of good questions! She is so dang cute. We will be teaching her again this week! Had my first interview with Presidente and it went really good. I speak Spanish to him and he speaks English to me. His English is my favorite! Haha.
Wednesday: Okay Hermana Schroeder and I cannot sing together hahahaha! So we are teaching this sweet lady Pati, who has been baptized and for our lesson we practiced himnos for like 40 minutes and we are still bad. It’s so funny and bad haha goodness me and Hermana Pyatt did so well in the CCM! .... So Maria, her nine year old daughter Nayareth and Alec, I don’t know how much I have talked about them... but they are new investigators and I love them! We just got to know they and we showed them a video and I braided the little girls hair in a fish tail and her mom thought it was beautiful! I love them so much and hope they continue to accept the amazing gospel! Nayareth is the sweetest nine year old I have ever met! She loves hearing what we have to say! I will hopefully get a picture soon!
Friday: We had lunch in the Campo aka Heaven on Earth! The bus ride out is about an hour and it is literally amazing you guys! We had an amazing lunch like always. Then we had about 45 minutes until the bus was going to come and so we got to go down to the ocean and it was so beautiful!! I was dying of happiness, it was such a beautiful day! Also got my first package from home and it felt like Christmas! Thank you Mom! We teach English to amazing kids at the church on Fridays so that is always a good time! I like talking with the kids better than the adults who talk so dang fast!
Saturday: Had a leccion with Jorge. We still have a lot to teach before his baptism, so we go about every other day to his house! Got chased by Ricardo... the meanest dog in the sector haha he hates Hermana Schroeder. It’s funny until its chasing me haha.
Sunday: Sundays are always so good! We were walking to a leccion and this 50ish year old little guy slows down, rolls his window down and whistles at us and it was so awkward and funny haha. It’s honestly a daily thing here in good ole Chile!
The mission is sooo amazing! Every day I am just so grateful to be aqui in Puerto Montt, on the beautiful coast with amazing people! And I’m a missionary for La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los ultimos Dias. Study your scriptures and just be happy!! Thank you everyone that writes to me it makes me so happy!!
Hermana Falslev
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